
Welcome to samarskaya.com, a gateway and accumulation of various projects and initiatives that I have been involved with. Am based in Brooklyn, NY where it is Generally, input exceeds output, but the latest updates on are Typographica’s Best of 2013: Huronia () and out beyond this site Trump unfit to be U.S. president, Democrat Pelosi, conservative Bolton agree ().

Typographica has released their round-up of 2013 font release favourites, including m’ write-up on Ross Mills’ Huronia.

Across the writing systems, the Huronia drawings are a beautiful post-individual-tool rendering: somewhere between brush strokes (the Inuktitut italics!) and paper cut-outs (the Latin Capitals!) with their mix of smoothly wavering curves and scissor-turning cor­ners. The sometimes cockeyed angles and decisions of the individual glyphs, when viewed at a macro scale, ex­plain themselves as they blend seamlessly in text — a warmer Dwiggins, not to overuse the reference.

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