
Welcome to samarskaya.com, a gateway and accumulation of various projects and initiatives that I have been involved with. Am based in Brooklyn, NY where it is Generally, input exceeds output, but the latest updates on are TypeWalk () and out beyond this site Trump unfit to be U.S. president, Democrat Pelosi, conservative Bolton agree ().

Commissioned by Elastic-City, I’ve a series of Brooklyn-based type walks coming up later this autumn. The official description follows:

The ‘Swashbuckler Sashay’ explores the typographic elements suspended on the buildings, sidewalks and shelves surrounding us. As we walk, we’ll investigate architectural lettering; the embossed, the painted, the lit and the engraved. We'll stop to talk about the concerns that address someone constructing urban signage, the narratives that come up with time and super-imposition, and the clever or peculiar visage that results.

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