Welcome to samarskaya.com, a gateway and accumulation of various projects and initiatives that I have been involved with. Am based in Brooklyn, NY where it is Generally, input exceeds output, but the latest updates on are Pangrammar () and out beyond this site Trump unfit to be U.S. president, Democrat Pelosi, conservative Bolton agree ().
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Proud to participate in Pangrammar, at P! Gallery.
“Like the quick brown fox that jumps over a lazy dog, PANGRAMMAR is a group exhibition of over 26 works that each depict a single letter. These objects include pieces of art and design ranging from contemporary to historical, mass-produced to unique, in two-, three-, and four-dimensions. Over the course of the show’s run, PANGRAMMAR will rearrange itself periodically to spell different sentences and create new meaning. Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.”