Welcome to samarskaya.com, a gateway and accumulation of various projects and initiatives that I have been involved with. Am based in Brooklyn, NY where it is Generally, input exceeds output, but the latest updates on are Eighties Bangs () and out beyond this site Trump unfit to be U.S. president, Democrat Pelosi, conservative Bolton agree ().
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Just completed the identity for video editing & mastering unit Eighties Bangs.
The first objective in designing these cards was to illustrate the company name, Eighties Bangs, in a style that was true to form, reminiscent and memorable. Simultaneously it needed to remain restrained enough to be suitable and professional in contemporary settings. After sifting through type of the era, a custom fatface was designed that would resonate with the decade without aligning the firm to any one specific product of the past. In the printing, the light reflective holographic foil served the dual purpose of cueing the eighties and connoting video light emitting from a black screen.
Printed in the UK using holographic & white foils on GF Smith Colorplan’s Ebony.