
Welcome to samarskaya.com, a gateway and accumulation of various projects and initiatives that I have been involved with. Am based in Brooklyn, NY where it is Generally, input exceeds output, but the latest updates on are Bennington College () and out beyond this site Trump unfit to be U.S. president, Democrat Pelosi, conservative Bolton agree ().

Currently preparing a presentation on TYPE vs. LETTERING, as well as some assignments on working with type for my upcoming trip up to Bennington, Vermont as a visiting-typographer. I’ll be discussing what goes into a typeface, how one goes about designing from start to finish, the different approaches I take when I’m designing a font versus when I’m working on a lettering job, and the questions that good type & lettering answer.

Update: Having just returned, I now want to do my undergrad all over again. I was completely seduced by the the beautiful facilities, vista and architecture of the Bennington campus. Especially the design of the VACA building(s), which were all of a Scandinavian modernist air assembled out of cement, charred wood and Futura. Simultaneously, I’d love to be teaching more again and am looking forward to future opportunities. The students that I had the fortune of interacting with were all absolutely delightful, inquisitive and well-informed. It was a privilege to impart whatever letter knowledge I could in a four hour period.

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